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Practise Final exam [120 pts] ###
(6 pts) Prove: `n log_2 (n^2) + n^2 = Omega(n^2)`
(7 pts) Given the recurrence: `T(n) = sqrt n T(sqrt n) + n log n`, prove `T(n)=n log n`.
(3 pts) Solve the recurrence: `T(n) = 3T(n/3) + log n`
Master theorem -
(4 pts) Convert the following array into a binary max-heap:
[ 5, 10, 3, 1, 6, 2, 4, 8, 7, 9 ]
(4 pts) The median of n numbers can be found in O(n) time (ch9). What is the worst-case complexity of Quicksort if the median is used for the pivot? O(n lg n)
(6 pts) Demonstrate radix sort in base 5 on the following:
[ 23, 17, 74, 14, 25, 33, 106, 4, 93 ]
- (10 pts) Demonstrate inserting the keys
[ 10, 22, 31, 4, 15, 28, 17, 88, 59 ]
into an open-addressed hash table of sizem = 11
using division hash and- (a) linear probing [22, 88, , , 4, 15, 28, 17, 59, 31, 10]
- (b) quadratic probing with `c_1=1, c_2=3` [22, , 88, 17, 4, , 28, 59, 15, 31, 10]
- (c) double hashing with `h_1(k)=k and h_2(k) = 1 + (k mod(m-1))` [22, , 59, 17, 4, 15, 28, 88, , 31, 10]
(5 pts) Demonstrate the following sequence of operations on an empty binary search tree (
means insert keyX
means delete keyX
). Use successor for delete.
+F +T +D +V +K +M +E -F +L +P -T
preorder before ‘-F’: FDETKMV
Before ‘-T’: KDEMLPV
(5 pts) Pseudocode a function to count the leaves of a binary tree. Many possible solutions, a simple strategy is a modified DFS.
(10 pts) Draw the B-tree of t=3 with the following inserted in order. Draw the tree just before and after each insertion which results in a split.
t=3 means nodes can have between 2 and 5 keys -
(10 pts) Demonstrate the dynamic programming solution for optimal parenthesisation to multiply a list of matrices with dimensions: (2x5), (5x10), (10x4), (4x5), (5x7)
(8 pts) Demonstrate fractional knapsack on items of weight
w = [ 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 ]
and valuev = [ 45, 80, 60, 90, 100 ]
, with total capacityW = 220
. What is an optimal 0-1 knapsack solution? Value-to-weight ratios: [ 1.5, 2, 1.2, 1.5, 1.25 ]
Greedy fractional solution: weight = 40 + 30 + 60 + 80 + (1/5)50
Total value: 80 + 45 + 90 + 100 + (1/5)60 = 327.
0-1 solution: everything except item of weight 50:
Total weight 210, total value 315. -
(5 pts) Assume two lists of length `n_1` and `n_2` can be merged in `c(n_1+n_2)` operations. What is the minimum number of operations in which lists of the following lengths can be merged?
[ 7, 3, 11, 4, 6, 12, 2 ]
((4 + (2 + 3)) + 11) + (12 + (6 + 7))
Total ops: 2(11+12)c + 3(4+6+7)c + 4(2+3)c = 117c -
(8 pts) Demonstrate finding the strongly-connected components of the following graph:
Edges between components: (g, af), (af, bde), (g, bde), (bde, c), (c, h), (g, h)
(5 pts) Prove, or demonstrate a counterexample: If T is a minimum spanning tree in a weighted directed graph (V, E, w), then for any vertices u, v the path between them in T is a shortest path in the graph.
(4 pts) Consider finding single-source shortest paths in a directed, weighed graph with negative-weight edges. A question was asked in lecture whether Dijkstra’s algorithm with Johnson’s reweighting would be faster than Bellman-Ford, since Dijkstra is faster than B-F when we can assume all edge weights are positive. Discuss: would this reweighting be a good idea? As we discussed (briefly) in class, Johnson’s reweighting uses Bellman-Ford to determine a reweighting that preserves shortest paths and eliminates negative weights. In the single-source case, if we’re going to do that, we might as well just use Bellman-Ford to solve the whole problem; reweighting would not be better.
- (10 pts) Chapter 25: all-pairs shortest paths: Floyd-Warshall, Johnson