HW1 Solutions (20pts)

  • (1) (4pts) Demonstrate insertion sort:

    in 35 50 44 61 17 75 23 9
    j=2 35 50 44 61 17 75 23 9
    j=3 35 44 50 61 17 75 23 9
    j=4 35 44 50 61 17 75 23 9
    j=5 17 35 44 50 61 75 23 9
    j=6 17 35 44 50 61 75 23 9
    j=7 17 23 35 44 50 61 75 9
    j=8 9 17 23 35 44 50 61 75
  • (2) (4pts) Prove: ` n^3 (2 + sin(n pi / 8)) + n^2 in Theta( n^3 ) `

    The key observation is that |sin| ≤ 1.
    So the first term is bounded by ` n^3 ` and ` 3n^3 `.
    As for the second term, beyond ` n_0 ` = 1, we always have ` n^2 <= n^3 `.
    So, for example, we can choose ` c_1 = 1, c_2 = 4, n_0 = 1 `.
    The lower bound is shown by:

    ` c_1 n^3 = n^3 <= n^3 + n^2 <= n^3 (2 + sin(n pi/8)) + n^2 `

    The upper bound is shown by:

    ` n^3 (2 + sin(n pi/8)) + n^2 <= 3n^3 + n^2 <= 4n^3 = c_2 n^3 `

  • (3) a. (3pts) running time T(n):

    The function calculates the n-th Fibonacci number, but its running time (and number of recursive function calls) is also the n-th Fibonacci number. Fib(n) is roughly equal to `phi^n`, thus `T(n) = Theta(phi^n)`.

    • b. (1pt) Is this function polynomial time, exponential time, or other?

      Exponential time.

    • c. (1pts) Re-write this function to run in O(1) time. You can use pseudocode, Python, whatever you like.

          def fib(n):
            phi = 1.61803...
            return phi ** n		# or pow(phi, n), etc.
  • (4) a. (2pts) how many hand shakes?

    ` (n(n-1))/2 `

    • b. (1pt) Express (a) in Θ asymptotic notation. Is this linear, quadratic, exponential, or other?

      ` Theta(n^2) `, quadratic

    • c. (3pt) Discuss how you might design such a function, and what its asymptotic running time would be. Is it linear, quadratic, exponential, or other?

      Simple solution is a doubly-nested loop: T(n) = Θ( n * (avg num of friends) ). With the info given, T(n) = Θ(190n) = Θ(n), linear time.

          def oldest_friend(n):
            for u in input_users:
              oldest_friend[u] = null
              oldest_duration = 0
              for f in friends(u):
                duration = friendship_duration(u, f)
                if duration > oldest_duration:
                  oldest_duration = duration
                  oldest_friend[u] = f
            return oldest_friend
    • d. (1pt) What’s different?

      The big difference is the sparsity of the friend graph: in the hand-shaking situation, you need to loop over all n-1 other people in the group.

      In the Facebook situation, you only need to loop over your friends. We assume the number of friends does not scale with n, so it’s treated as a constant, not affecting the asymptotic complexity.