
  • All homeworks should be turned in electronically to myCourses.
  • Paper submissions may be scanned in if legible.
  • If you take a photo of your paper solution, please take the photo outside or close to a bright window, for legibility.

Due dates:

  • Homeworks are due by 10pm on the due date (Thu).
  • No late submissions are accepted.
  • If there are extenuating circumstances, contact the instructor as soon as possible to make arrangements.


  • If you find a resource helpful (from internet search, blog post, Stack Overflow, online courses, our lecture notes, etc), be sure to cite it. Citation format doesn’t matter, but make it easy for the TA to find the source: e.g., a clickable link.
  • Code / pseudocode should be your own work. If you find code online, understand how it works, then go write up your solution on your own.
  • The basic machine model was discussed in Lecture 1. Don’t use library functions which obviate the bulk of a question. E.g., if you’re asked to implement a sort, don’t use Python’s sorted().

HW3 (20pts) (solutions)

  1. (3pts) Assuming all distinct keys, what are all the possible locations for the smallest element in a max heap? Where do they lie in the array representation?

  2. (4pts) Demonstrate heap sort on the following input (same as in HW1 and HW2):
    [ 35, 50, 44, 61, 17, 75, 23, 9 ]

  3. (3pts) Now that you’ve sorted the same array using insertion sort, merge sort, and heap sort, count the number of operations in each:
    • For insertion sort, count the number of assignments when a value is written into the array.
    • For merge sort, count the number of copies performed, including both when elements are copied to temporary arrays and when they are copied back.
    • For heap sort, count the number of swaps (each swap counts as one operation).
  4. Java’s standard library for sorting Arrays uses (as of Oracle Java 7) a “dual-pivot” variant of Quicksort due to Yaroslavskiy et al. (2009).
    • a. (5pts) Research Yaroslavskiy’s algorithm and describe how it works. How does its behaviour differ from Quicksort on pre-sorted or partially pre-sorted data? (There are several kinds of dual-pivot algorithms; focus on the one by Yaroslavskiy. The Java library also adds a few optimisations that you can ignore.) If you found code or a reference somewhere that helped you, include a link to it as a citation.
    • b. (5pts) Present your own pseudocode implementation of Yaroslavskiy’s Quicksort. It should be your own work (i.e., not cut-and-paste, you need to understand how it works), but if you found code that helped you, include a link to it.