HW5 Solutions (20pts)
- 1a (1pt) Pseudocode, linked list class definition:
class DblNode:
def __init__( self, key, prev, next ):
(self.key, self.prev, self.next) = (key, prev, next)
class LinkedList:
def __init__( self ):
self.head = None
1b (4pts) Pseudocode, delete duplicates:
If we were not able to assume keys are in range 0..99, then we could use a hashtable to store the keys we’ve already seen.
class LinkedList:
def delete( self, node ):
if ( node != None ):
if ( node.prev != None ):
node.prev.next = node.next
if ( node.next != None ):
node.next.prev = node.prev
if ( node == self.head ):
self.head = node.next
del node
def delete_duplicates( self ):
seen = [ False for i in range(100) ] # array of booleans
cur = self.head
while ( cur != None ):
if ( seen[ cur.key ] ): # duplicate: delete
self.delete( cur )
else: # first time: set flag
seen[ cur.key ] = True
cur = cur.next
1c (1pt) Running time:
Θ(n) (and uses extra storage, an array of 100 booleans).
2 (4pts) Augment
to track length:
class Node:
def __init__( self, key, next ):
(self.key, self.next) = (key, next)
class Stack:
def __init__( self ):
(self.head, self.len) = (None, 0)
def length( self ):
return self.len
def isEmpty( self ):
return self.len< 1
def push( self, key ):
self.head = Node( key, self.head )
self.len += 1
def pop( self ):
if (self.isEmpty()): # underflow
return None
item = self.head
key = item.key
self.head = item.next
del item
self.len -= 1
return key
3 (3pts) Illustrate operations on BST:
Your solution should show the BST after each step, but the final BST is
The above assumes the convention of delete using the successor. If using the predecessor, then:
4a (2pts) Binary tree from preorder:
Note that sequentially inserting nodes from a preorder traversal exactly reproduces the original tree:
4b (2pts) Postorder traversal:
5 (3pts) Create balanced BST from sorted input:
We know the length of the array and can directly address it, so pick the median as the root, and recursively fill in the left and right subtrees.
To handle recursion in the constructor, I define a helper function
within the lexical scope of the constructor, inheriting the parameterkeys
class BSTNode:
def __init__( self, key=None, parent=None, left=None, right=None ):
(self.key, self.parent, self.left, self.right) = (key, parent, left, right)
class BST:
def __init__( self, keys=[] ):
def buildtree(parent, start, end):
if start > end:
return None
mid = int( (start+end)/2 )
node = BSTNode( keys[mid], parent )
node.left = buildtree( node, start, mid-1 )
node.right = buildtree( node, mid+1, end )
return node
self.root = buildtree( None, 0, len(keys)-1 )