HW7 Solutions (40pts)

  • (1) (20 pts) (dynamic programming project, #15-1 to #15-12)
  • (2a) (2 pts) Counterexample for c = { 1, 10, 25 })

    Many possibilities: 30 = 3x10 vs 25+5x1 (and similarly up to 34),
    40 = 4x10 vs 25+10+5x1 (and similarly up to 44), etc.

  • (2b) (2 pts) Find all such n:

    In general, `50a + 30 + 10b + c`, for `a>0, b={0,1}, c={0,1,2,3,4}`

  • (3a) (5 pts) Build a Huffman encoding tree.


  • (3b) (2 pts) Encode a text of your choosing

    E T A O I N S R H L D C
    101 100 010 001 000 1111 1101 1100 0111 0110 11101 11100
  • (3c) (2 pts) Decode using the Huffman tree:


    (To find fun words, I used the following on Linux:
    egrep -i '^[ETAOINSRHLDC]{8,12}$' /usr/share/hunspell/en_CA.dic
    I decided against giving you ‘INTERCONTINENTAL’.)

  • (3d) (2 pts) Calculate the compression ratio

    In our Huffman code, ETAOI all use 3 bits, NSRHL use 4, and DC use 5.

    The percentages do not add up to 100% because these are only the top 12 letters. If we assume a corpus of standard English text with only these 12 letters selected, then Huffman coding 1000 letters with the given ratios would take `3((125 + 93 + 80 + 76 + 75)/0.812) + 4((72 + 65 + 63 + 51 + 41)/0.812) + 5((38 + 33)/0.812)` = 2870/0.812 ≈ 3534 bits.

    Fixed encoding would require `|~ log_2 12 ~|` = 4 bits per letter, for a total of 4000 bits.

    The compression ratio is 4000/3534 ≈ 1.1317 (Also accepted: file size 3534/4000 = 88.36%, or space savings 1 - 3534/4000 = 11.64%.)

    [A previous version of the solutions erroneously indicated that Huffman coding of 1000 letters would take 2870 bits, for a compression ratio of 1.3937, file size of 71.75%, and space savings of 28.25%. Credit will be given for either answer.]

  • (4) (5 pts) Pseudocode 0-1 knapsack

    The recurrence for total value in the knapsack is `V(i,w) = { (0, if i=0 or w=0), (V(i-1,w), if w_i > w), (max( V(i-1,w), v_i w_i ), else ) :} `

    In the Python solution below, the lists are indexed starting at 0 (instead of 1), and we pad the table with a row and a col of zeroes. See, e.g., GeeksForGeeks.

def knapsack01(weights, values, W):
  n = len(weights)
  V = [ [ 0 for x in range(W + 1) ] for x in range(n + 1) ]
  for i in range(1, n + 1):
    for w in range(1, W + 1):
      if weights[i-1] > w:
        V[i][w] = V[i-1][w]
        V[i][w] = max( V[i-1][w], values[i-1] + V[i-1][w - weights[i-1]] )
  return V[n][W]