HW9 Solutions (40pts)

  • (1a) (3 pts) Kruskal MST:

    hw9-1 solution

    In order, the edges selected are: (c,g), (c,h), (e,f), (b,f), (c,f), (a,e), (d,h). The total weight is 3(1) + 2(2) + 1(3) + 1(5) = 15.

  • (1b) (4 pts) Prim starting at vertex a. Illustrate the progress of the vertex queue.

    Vertex queue:
    • a:0
    • b:4, e:3
    • b:3, f:1
    • b:2, c:2, g:2
    • c:2, g:2
    • d:6, g:1, h:1
    • d:6, h:1
    • d:5

    The resulting MST is the same.

  • (1c) (1 pt) Find a different MST

    Swap the (c,f) edge for (f,g), both of weight 2:

    hw9-1c solution

  • (2) (5 pts) Bellman-Ford from source a:
    • How many iterations were needed to achieve convergence?
    • BF solution
    • Pass 1: a:0, b:4, c:9, d:2, e:9, f:3, g:inf, h:10
    • Pass 2: a:0, b:3, c:9, d:2, e:5, f:3, g:inf, h:6
    • Pass 3: a:0, b:3, c:8, d:2, e:5, f:3, g:inf, h:6
  • (3a) (3 pts) Prove MSTs are preserved by this transformation.

    TRUE: A quick answer is that Kruskal’s algorithm, for example, only relies on comparing edge weights, not the actual value of the weights or any arithmetic done on them. (The weights could in fact be any ordinal values, e.g., A, B, C, D, ….) So any transformation that preserves the relative sort order of the weights will preserve the MST produced by Kruskal.

    For a more rigorous proof, let `(u,v) in T` be an edge in an MST of the original graph `G=(V,E,w)`. Let `T’` be an MST of the transformed graph `G’=(V,E,w’)`.

    Removing `(u,v)` from `T` partitions the vertices into two sets (i.e., a cut), call them `S` and `V-S`.

    `T’` must cross the cut somehow; let `(x,y) in T’` be an edge in `T’`that crosses the cut.

    Since `T` is an MST of the original graph, so `(u,v)` must be a light edge crossing the cut, under the original weighting. Hence `w(u,v) <= w(x,y)`.

    But that means that in the transformed weights, `w’(u,v) = w(u,v) + 1 <= w(x,y) + 1 = w’(x,y)`. So `(u,v)` is also a light edge under the transformed weighting.

    So if `(u,v) !in T’,` we can replace `(x,y) in T’` with it, and the resulting tree will still be minimal-weight.

    This applies for all edges `(u,v) in T`, hence `T` is still an MST of the transformed graph.

  • (3b) (3 pts) Prove or disprove via counterexample: shortest paths are preserved by this transformation. I.e., if p is a shortest path from u to v in G, then p is also a shortest path from u to v in G’.

    FALSE: In the counterexample below, originally the shortest path from a to d is via b and c. After adding 1 to each edge weight, each path increases in weight proportionally to its number of edges, so the direct path from a to d becomes the shortest one.


  • (4) Programming project: Implement Prim
    • (12 pts) Correct, working code.
    • (5 pts) Documentation: write-up, readable code, good identifiers, etc.
    • (5 pts) Tests, including edge cases, actual output, etc.
    • (4 pts extra credit) A nice graphical user interface.