+ **Split** array in half
+ If only 1 elt, we're done
+ **Recurse** to sort each half
+ **Merge** sorted sub-arrays
+ Need to do this efficiently
def merge_sort(A, p, r):
if p >= r: return
q = floor( (p+r) / 2 )
merge_sort(A, p, q)
merge_sort(A, q+1, r)
merge(A, p, q, r)
TODO: diagram?
## Efficient merge in Θ(n)
+ Assume subarrays are **sorted**:
+ *A[p .. q]* and *A[q+1 .. r]*, with *p* ≤ *q* < *r*
+ Make temporary **copies** of each sub-array
+ Append an "*∞*" **marker** item to end of each copy
+ **Step** through the sub-arrays, using two indices *(i,j)*:
+ Copy **smaller** element into main array
+ and **advance** pointer in that sub-array
+ **Complexity**: *Θ(n)*
Main : [ A, C, D, E, H, J, , , , , , ]
L: [ C, E, H, *K, P, R, inf ] || R: [ A, D, J, *L, N, T, inf ]
## Merge step: in pseudocode
def merge(A, p, q, r):
( n1, n2 ) = ( q-p+1, r-q ) # lengths
new arrays: L[ 1 .. n1+1 ], R[ 1 .. n2+1 ]
for i in 1 .. n1: L[ i ] = A[ p+i-1 ] # copy
for j in 1 .. n2: R[ j ] = A[ q+j ]
( L[ n1+1 ], R[ n2+1 ] ) = ( inf, inf ) # sentinel
( i, j ) = ( 1, 1 )
for k in p .. r:
if L[ i ] <= R[ j ]: # compare
A[ k ] = L[ i ] # copy from left
A[ k ] = R[ j ] # copy from right
## Complexity of merge sort
+ **Recurrence** relation: **base** case + **inductive** step
+ **Base** case: if *n = 1*, then T(n) = *Θ(1)*
+ **Inductive** step: if *n > 1*, then T(n) = *2T(n/2) + Θ(n)*
+ **Sort** 2 halves of size *n/2*, then **merge** in *Θ(n)*
+ How to **solve** this recurrence?
+ Function **call diagram** looks like binary tree
+ Each **level** `L` has \`2^L\` recursive calls
+ Each call performs \`2^-L\` work in the merge step
## Recurrence tree
+ Total work at each level is *Θ(n)*
+ Total number of levels is *lg(n)*
+ ⇒ Total complexity: *Θ(n lg(n))*
+ This is **not** a formal proof!
+ A **guess** that we can prove by **induction**
TODO: diagram
## Outline for today
+ Divide and conquer *(ch4)*
+ Merge sort, recursion tree
+ **Proof by induction**
+ Maximum subarray
+ Matrix multiply, Strassen's method
+ Master method of solving recurrences
+ Probabilistic Analysis *(ch5)*
+ Hiring problem and analysis
+ Randomised algorithms and PRNGs
## Mathematical induction
+ **Deduction**: general *principles* ⇒ specific *case*
+ **Induction**: representative *case* ⇒ general *rule*
+ Proof by induction needs two **axioms**:
+ **Base case**: starting point, e.g., at *n = 1*
+ **Inductive step**: assuming the rule holds at *n*,
+ **prove** it also holds at *n+1*
+ equivalently, assume true ∀ *m* < *n*, and prove for *n*
+ This proves the rule for **all** (positive) *n*
BG: dominoes
## Example of inductive proof
+ Recall **Gauss**' formula: \`sum_(j=1)^n j = (n(n+1))/2\`
+ We can **prove** it by induction:
+ Prove **base case** (*n = 1*): 1 = *(1)(1+1)/2*
+ Prove **inductive step**:
+ **Assume**: \`sum_(j=1)^n j = (n(n+1))/2\`
+ **Prove**: \`sum_(j=1)^(n+1) j = ((n+1)(n+2))/2\`
## Inductive step of Gauss' formula
+ \` sum\_(j=1)^(n+1) j = (sum_(j=1)^n j) + (n+1) \`
+ \` = (n(n+1))/2 + (n+1) \` (by **inductive hypothesis**)
+ \` = (n^2 + n)/2 + (n+1) \`
+ \` = (n^2 + n + 2n + 2)/2 \`
+ \` = (n^2 + 3n + 2)/2 \`
+ \` = ((n+1)(n+2))/2 \`, **proving** the inductive step
## Inductive proof for merge sort
+ **Recurrence**: \`T(n) = 2T(n/2) + Theta(n)\`, with T(1) = *Θ(1)*
+ **Guess** (from recursion tree): T(n) = *Θ(n lg n)*
+ Prove **base case**: T(1) = *Θ(1 lg 1)* = Θ(1)
+ **Inductive hypothesis**: assume ∃ \`c_1, c_2, n_0\`:
∀ \`n_0\` < *m* < n,
\`c_1 m text(lg)m <= T(m) <= c_2 m text(lg)m\`
+ **Inductive step**: with the **same** constants \`c_1, c_2\`,
we want to **prove**
\`c_1 n text(lg)n <= T(n) <= c_2 n text(lg)n\`
## Inductive step for merge sort
+ Use **recurrence** and defn of Θ(n): ∃ \`c_3, c_4\`:
\` 2T(n/2) + c_3 n <= T(n) <= 2T(n/2) + c_4 n \`
+ Apply **inductive hypothesis** with *m = n/2*:
\` 2 c_1 (n/2) text(lg)(n/2) + c_3 n <= T(n) \`
\` <= 2 c_2 (n/2) text(lg)(n/2) + c_4 n \`
+ \` => c_1 n (text(lg)n - text(lg)2) + c_3 n <= T(n) \`
\` <= c_2 n (text(lg)n - text(lg)2) + c_4 n \`
+ \` => c_1 n text(lg)n + (c_3 - c_1)n <= T(n) \`
\` <= c_2 n text(lg)n + (c_4 - c_2)n \`
+ \` => c_1 n text(lg)n <= T(n) <= c_2 n text(lg)n \`
+ **Last step** possible by choosing \`c_1 < c_3\` and \`c_2 > c_4\`
## Outline for today
+ Divide and conquer *(ch4)*
+ Merge sort, recursion tree
+ Proof by induction
+ **Maximum subarray**
+ Matrix multiply, Strassen's method
+ Master method of solving recurrences
+ Probabilistic Analysis *(ch5)*
+ Hiring problem and analysis
+ Randomised algorithms and PRNGs
## Maximum subarray
+ **Input**: array *A[1 .. n]* of numbers (could be negative)
+ **Output**: indices *(i,j)* to maximise *sum( A[i .. j] )*
+ e.g., input daily change in **stock** price:
+ find optimal time to **buy** (*i*) and **sell** (*j*)
+ **Exhaustive** check of all (*i*,*j*): \`Theta(n^2)\`

## Max subarray: algorithm
+ **Split** array in half
+ **Recursively** solve each half
+ (what's the **base** case?)
+ Find the max subarray which **spans** the midpoint
+ Do this in *Θ(n)*
+ Choose **best** out of 3 options (*left*, *right*, *span*) and return

## Span midpoint
+ Find the maximum subarray that **spans** the midpoint
+ **Decrement** *i* down from the **midpoint** to the **low** end
+ Maximise *sum( A[i .. mid] )*
+ **Increment** *j* up from `mid+1` to the **high** end
+ Maximise *sum( A[mid+1 .. j] )*
+ Total time is only **linear** in n

## Max subarray: complexity
def max_subarray(A, low, mid, high):
split_array() # O(1)
max_subarray( left_half ) # T(n/2)
max_subarray( right_half ) # T(n/2)
midpt_max_subarray() # Theta(n)
return best_of_3() # O(1)
+ **Recurrence**: T(n) = *2T(n/2) + Θ(n)*
+ **Base** case: T(1) = O(1)
+ Same as merge sort: **solution** is T(n) = *Θ(n lg n)*
+ Actually *(#4.1-5)*, max subarray can be done in *Θ(n)*!
## Programming Joke
+ There's always a way to **shorten** a program by one line.
+ But, there's also always one more **bug**.
+ ⇒ By **induction**, any program can be shortened to a **single line**, which **doesn't work**.
## Outline for today
+ Divide and conquer *(ch4)*
+ Merge sort, recursion tree
+ Proof by induction
+ Maximum subarray
+ **Matrix multiply, Strassen's method**
+ Master method of solving recurrences
+ Probabilistic Analysis *(ch5)*
+ Hiring problem and analysis
+ Randomised algorithms and PRNGs
## Matrix multiply
+ **Input**: two *n* x *n* matrices *A[i,j]* and *B[i,j]*
+ **Output**: *C* = *A* ∗ *B*, where
\` C[i,j] = sum_(k=1)^n A[i,k] B[k,j] \`
+ e.g., \` [[C_11, C_12], [C_21, C_22]] =
[[A_11, A_12], [A_21, A_22]] ∗ [[B_11, B_12], [B_21, B_22]] \`
+ **Simplest** method:
def mult(A, B, n):
for i in 1 .. n:
for j in 1 .. n:
for k in 1 .. n:
C[i, j] += A[i, k] * B[k, j]
return C
**Complexity**? Can we do **better**?
## Divide-and-conquer mat mul
+ **Split** matrices into **4** parts (assume *n* a power of 2)
+ **Recurse** *8* times to get products of sub-matrices
+ Add and **combine** info final result:
\` [[C_11, C_12], [C_21, C_22]] =
[[A_11, A_12], [A_21, A_22]] ∗ [[B_11, B_12], [B_21, B_22]] \`
+ \` C_11 = A_11 ∗ B_11 + A_12 ∗ B_21 \`
+ \` C_12 = A_11 ∗ B_12 + A_12 ∗ B_22 \`, ...
+ What's the **base case**?
+ How to **generalise** to *n* not a power of 2?
## Complexity of divide-and-conquer
+ **Split**: O(1) by using **indices** rather than copying matrices
+ **Recursion**: *8* calls, each of time *T(n/2)*
+ **Combine**: each entry in *C* needs one add: \`Theta(n^2)\`
+ So the **recurrence** is: \`T(n) = 8T(n/2) + Theta(n^2)\`
+ Unfortunately, this resolves to \`Theta(n^3)\`
+ **No better** than the simple solution
+ What gets us is the *8* **recursive** calls
+ **Strassen**'s idea: save *1* recursive call
+ by spending more on **sums** (which are only \`Theta(n^2)\`)
## Strassen's matrix multiply
+ 10 **sums** of submatrices: \`S_1 = B_12 - B_22\`,
\`S_2 = A_11 + A_12\`, \`S_3 = A_21 + A_22\`, \`S_4 = B_21 - B_11\`,
\`S_5 = A_11 + A_22\`, \`S_6 = B_11 + B_22\`, \`S_7 = A_12 - A_22\`,
\`S_8 = B_21 + B_22\`, \`S_9 = A_11 - A_21\`, \`S_10 = B_11 + B_12\`.
+ 7 **recursive** calls: \`P_1 = A_11 ∗ S_1\`,
\`P_2 = S_2 ∗ B_22\`, \`P_3 = S_3 ∗ B_11\`, \`P_4 = A_22 ∗ S_4\`,
\`P_5 = S_5 ∗ S_6 \`, \`P_6 = S_7 ∗ S_8 \`, \`P_7 = S_9 ∗ S_10\`.
+ 4 **results** via addition: \`C_11 = P_5 + P_4 - P_2 + P_6\`,
\`C_12 = P_1 + P_2\`, \`C_21 = P_3 + P_4\`, \`C_22 = P_5 + P_1 - P_3 - P_7\`.
## Complexity of Strassen's method
+ Even though more **sums** are done, still all \`Theta(n^2)\`
+ Doesn't change total **asymptotic** complexity
+ Might not be worth it for **small** *n*, though
+ **Recurrence**: \`T(n) = 7T(n/2) + Theta(n^2)\`
+ Saved us *1* recursive call!
+ **Solution**: \`T(n) = Theta(n^(text(lg) 7))\`
+ This is an example of the **master method**
+ For recurrences of **form** T(n) = *a T( n/b ) + Θ( f(n) )*
+ **Compare** *f(n)* with \`n^(log_b a)\`
+ Is more work done in **leaves** of tree or **roots**?
## Outline for today
+ Divide and conquer *(ch4)*
+ Merge sort, recursion tree
+ Proof by induction
+ Maximum subarray
+ Matrix multiply, Strassen's method
+ **Master method of solving recurrences**
+ Probabilistic Analysis *(ch5)*
+ Hiring problem and analysis
+ Randomised algorithms and PRNGs
## Master method for recurrences
+ If T(n) has the **form**: *a T(n/b) + f(n)*, with *a, b* > 0
+ **Merge sort**: a = *2*, b = *2*, f(n) = *Θ(n)*
+ Case *1*: if \` f(n) in Theta(n^(log_b a)) \`
+ Leaves/roots **balanced**: \` T(n) = Theta(n^(log_b a) log n) \`
+ Case *2*: if \` f(n) in O(n^(log_b a - epsilon)) \`
for some *ε* > 0
+ **Leaves** dominate: \` T(n) = Theta(n^(log_b a)) \`
+ Case *3*: if \` f(n) in Omega(n^(log_b a + epsilon)) \`
for some *ε* > 0,
**and** if \` a f(n/b) <= c f(n) \` for some *c* < 1 and big *n*
+ **Roots** dominate: \` T(n) = Theta(f(n)) \`
+ Polynomials \` f(n) = n^k \` satisfy the **regularity** condition
## Master method: merge sort
+ **Recurrence**: T(n) = *2T(n/2) + Θ(n)*:
+ a = *2*, b = *2*, f(n) = *Θ(n)*
+ \` f(n) = Theta(n) = Theta(n^(log_2 2)) \`
+ So leaves and roots are **balanced** *(case 1)*
+ **Solution** is \` T(n) = Theta(n^(log_2 2) log n) = Theta(n log n) \`
## Master method: Strassen
+ **Recurrence**: T(n) = *7T(n/2) + Θ(n^2)*
+ a = *7*, b = *2*, f(n) = *Θ(n^2)*
+ \` f(n) = Theta(n^2) = O(n^(log_2 7 - epsilon)) \`
+ *lg 7* ≃ 2.8, so, e.g., *ε* = 0.4 works
+ So **leaves** dominate *(case 2)*
+ **Solution** is \` T(n) = Theta(n^(log_2 7)) ~~ Theta(n^2.8) \`
## Gaps in master method
+ **Doesn't** cover all recurrences of form *a T(n/b) + f(n)*!
+ e.g., T(n) = *2T(n/2) + n log n*
+ **Case 1**: \` n log n notin Theta(n^(log_2 2)) = Theta(n) \`
+ **Case 2**: \` n log n notin O(n^(1-epsilon)) \`,
for **any** *ε* > 0
+ **Case 3**: \` n log n notin Omega(n^(1+epsilon)) \`,
for **any** *ε* > 0
+ because \` log n notin Omega(n^epsilon) \`
∀ *ε* > 0
+ Need to use **other** methods to solve
+ Some recurrences are just **intractable**
## Polylog extension
+ **Generalisation** of master method
+ Applies for \` f(n) in Theta(n^(log_b(a)) log^k(n)) \`
+ (*log* to *k* power, not iterated log)
+ **Solution**: \` T(n) = Theta(n^(log_b(a)) log^(k+1)(n)) \`
+ **Regular** master method is special case, *k = 0*
+ Previous **example**: T(n) = *2T(n/2) + n log n*
+ **Solution**: \` T(n) = Theta(n log^2 n) \`
## Outline for today
+ Divide and conquer *(ch4)*
+ Merge sort, recursion tree
+ Proof by induction
+ Maximum subarray
+ Matrix multiply, Strassen's method
+ Master method of solving recurrences
+ **Probabilistic Analysis** *(ch5)*
+ **Hiring problem and analysis**
+ **Randomised algorithms and PRNGs**
## Probabilistic analysis
+ Running time of **insertion sort** depended on input
+ Best-case vs worst-case vs **average**-case
+ **Random variable** *X*: takes values within a domain
+ **Domain** *Ω* could be `[0,1]`, \`bbb R\` = (-∞, ∞), \`bbb R^n\`,