- (e) node *CL* too **small**,
and **sibling** *TX* too small to steal from:
so **merge** *CL* and *TX*
- (e') merge **pushes** *P* down from root
- (f) child *AB* too small: **steal** from *EJK*
![B-tree deletion, step d](static/img/Fig-18-8-L-d.png)
![B-tree deletion, pt2](static/img/Fig-18-8-R.svg)
## B-tree summary
+ **Generalisation** of BST, but:
+ All **leaves** are at same **height**
(*h* = \`Theta(log\_t n)\` = *Θ(lg n)* )
+ **Degree** of each node is between *t* and *2t*
+ **Operations**:
+ **Create**: CPU *O(1)*, disk *O(1)*
+ **Search**/insert/delete: CPU *O(th)*, disk *O(h)*
+ When **modifying** tree, as we walk down tree,